A blacksmith storytelling while working at Mary Arden's farm (Shakespeare's mother.)
A woman cooking at Mary Arden's farm.
A barn owl that was part of a falconer show at Mary Arden's farm, and Elliot Chung became a Falconer for a day (photo not pictured.)
Some of the Gargoyles outside of Gloucester Cathedral.
Elliot Chung's sunny smile didn't compare to the heat of that day.
The inside of Gloucester Cathedral.
A view of the great stain glass window behind the altar at Gloucester.
Some views of the Quire at Gloucester.
The music holders in the Quire stalls at Gloucester.
The standard at Gloucester.
From one smile, to a half, to a stony face at Gloucester.
A hallway in Gloucester that was in the second Harry Potter movie.
Harrison Wilkes clowning around in front of an impossibly small door in Gloucester Cathedral.
Jack enjoying a game of Blob Tag outside of Gloucester Cathedral.
Nice job Calum!