Thursday, July 21, 2016

July 21-Christchurch Priory and Ruins/ Salisbury

We boarded the coach after a reasonable, yet filling breakfast.  The mixed berries stayed in the yogurt and on the toast Elliot spread thickly.  Clothing intact we headed back to the hotel for a brief pick up of dress uniform, music, black socks and chapel shoes, filled water bottle and backpack.  Most were in casual and comfortable clothing.  When we got to Christchurch we were greeted by posters announcing our afternoon concert, which was delivered to a packed nave.  Since there was a little time before the 12:30 concert, we headed up to the Castle Christchurch Ruins.  Our first castle/ruins and the boys are thrilled. The castle was built in the late eleventh century to protect the town and its river.  It was built inside a Saxon fort whose walls were used to build the castle mound or motte.

The choir enters the ancient Norman Priory, changes and readies for the 12:30 concert.  Almost everyone in the choir is dressed in full CSB dress uniform. The nave is full and the choir delivers an outstanding concert. I record most of the music and hope Mr. Bachmann can listen, approve and notate so I can post some musical glory for you. Mr. Cole has a high-end recording device he has tasked Mr. Wilkes with recording during the Evensongs.  Special paperwork needed to be completed for this to happen.  Now we just must find a moment to download, edit and share. Let us feel hopeful tomorrow can be that day.

Immediately following the concert we are led to a large grassy area where the boys run about waiting for the fish and chips (with a variety of variations including steak pie and chips, fish bits and chips (smaller portion) chicken bits and chips (smaller portion).  Everyone is happy and full. Mr. Serene is a vision of strength and agility doing yoga on the lawn. Boys are chasing each other.  Choirmen are sitting in chairs and enjoying the surroundings.  Some are wandering the grounds taking photographs.  Back to the bus for a trip to Salisbury Cathedral where the choir sings Evensong.  Afterwards Mr. Bruner and his incredible camera take documentary photos which have been posted July 21-Christchurch and also July 21-Salisbury.

We had dinner at a Thai restaurant. The boys were wired not having been active enough all the day.  I walk a chorister back to the hotel who isn’t feeling well (who is better once he has some time on his own and a hot shower.)  The other chaperones take the choristers to a park to run, run, run and play, play, play.  They return, ready for bed and will have a more leisurely day tomorrow with a change of plans. We will not be going to Oxford, but instead will have a variety of more local options.  Certainly there will be a tour of Salisbury Cathedral and possibly a spire tour (the tallest in the United Kingdom at 404 feet!)

We’re having a slightly later wake-up call tomorrow so boys can sleep in a bit (and I can maybe download those pictures before we begin our day of local activities.) Until then…


A device for steaming vestment ruffs (worn by choristers)

Walking towards Christchurch Priory

Outside the venue


A holloway  on our walk to the ruins

Walking up for some pre-concert activity and snacking

Carter, our tour leader...leading

What better souvenir for historic Christchurch than a clotted cream assortment?

Bristish candies I see on the way to buy today's snacks.

This is a regular grocery in a small village.  Oooh!

I wonder if these pigs are popular.

Post-concert water for choristers set up by the Priory.

Christchurch concert

Dr. Meier and Mr. Bachmann receive much-deserved applause.

Mr. Serene exhibits strength and agility post-concert.

Varun and Nicholas enjoy fish and chips.

Boarding the coach

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